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Privacy Statement


Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World is compliant with General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR regulaions and safeguarding of information.


Contact Details :-

Identity - Mandy Turner

Position - Reiki Master Teacher

Email -

Phone Number - 07719185183


Data Controller - Mandy Turner


Data Protection Officer - Website - WIX,Social Media - Facebook,Twitter,Google+,Linkedin,Pinterest.


The purpose of processing Client/Student data


Basic contact details are collected through my website and Social Media pages to allow Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World to contact you with reference to booking appointments,booking courses and to reply to query's

By Contacting Mandy's Reiki & Mandys world using the contact forms provided on this website or sending messages through Social Media pages you are giving consent to your information - Name,Email ,Address & Phone Number - Being stored for the purpose of your query/booking appointments.

If you do not book an appointment after your initial contact your information shall be deleted.


Should you prefer to contact Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World direct the phone number is listed above.


All Testimonials published on this website are by prior approval for the purpose of validating Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World to help future clients/Students decide before booking.If you wish these details to be removed at a later date - please get in touch.

All Reviews/rates on Social Media sites are controlled by you.Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World does not control these postings.


Lawful Basis for holding and storing Client & Student information


As a full member of I.I.C.T. Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World abide by the Code of Practice and Ethics.

Information is held as a legal requirement for the following reasons:-

Claims Occuring Insurance

Law regarding Children's records

Insurers requirements to retain information


What information is held and why


As a Reiki Master I will need to ask for and keep information related to your health.This information will only be used for Reiki sessions via S.O.A.P sheets(Subjective,Objective,Assessment Plan - Medical Documentation)

This includes...

Name and contact details

Medical Information(on your first visit)

Treatment Details and related notes upon each visit.

This information is a legal requirement and will only be passed onto a third party (Police,Insurance Company,Doctors) with written permission should a claim arise.


**This information is not shared and not stored digitally**


How long will your records be kept?


All records of Reiki sessions/teachings will be kept for 3 years.If a client or student becomes inactive after 3 years the records are destroyed.If a client/Student wishes to book in with Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World after this 3 year period,Medical information and contact details will be taken  again for the purpose of the appointment.


Protecting your personal data


Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World safeguards all Client and Student information held.


You will be contacted via phone,text or email for appointments,confirmation of booking and reminder texts prior to your appointment.

If you make contact through Social Media platforms you will be messaged back through these sites to confirm bookings,send reminders and answer any queries.

Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World does not offer an email subscription or Newsletter report.

Booking of future appointments is under the control of Clients/Students.



Your Rights


GDPR gives you the following rights:


  • The right to be informed:
    To know how your information will be held and used (this notice).

  • The right of access:
    To see your therapist’s records of your personal information, so you know what is held about you and can verify it.

  • The right to rectification:
    To tell your therapist to make changes to your personal information if it is incorrect or incomplete.

  • The right to erasure (also called “the right to be forgotten”):
    For you to request your therapist to erase any information they hold about you

  • The right to restrict processing of personal data:.
    You have the right to request limits on how your therapist uses your personal information

  • The right to data portability: under certain circumstances you can request a copy of personal information held electronically so you can reuse it in other systems.

  • The right to object:.
    To be able to tell your therapist you don’t want them to use certain parts of your information, or only to use it for certain purposes.

  • Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling.

  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office:
    To be able to complain to the ICO if you feel your details are not correct, if they are not being used in a way that you have given permission for, or if they are being stored when they don’t have to be.


Full details of your rights can be found at


If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please use the contact details given above.


If you are dissatisfied with the response you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office; their contact details are at:



Please note:

  • if you don’t agree to your therapist keeping records of information about you and your treatments, or if you don’t allow them to use the information in the way they need to for treatments, the therapist may not be able to treat you

  • Your therapist has to keep your records of treatment for a certain period  as described above, which may mean that even if you ask them to erase any details about you, they might have to keep these details until after that period has passed

Mandy Turner
Reiki Master Teacher2025

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