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Indigo Children - Following your souls path

Writer's picture: mandyturner7mandyturner7

Indigo personalities experience life through deep inner feelings.These calm and pleasant individuals are connected with their inner knowing,intuition or higher mind.Their life long resarch for higher truth and consciousness allows them to radiate an authenticity and clarity which is not found in other colour personalities.

Indigo's have an inner need to express their spirituality.they are considered to be very deep in their feelings and perceptions about life.They also seem to be born as conscious beings and as children know what they want and how to act. Indigo's cannot be told what to do,think,feel or what the truth is.Their inner knowing and guidance gives them all the information they need.They just know the truth within.

An Indigo personalities motivation is to experience life as a divine universal being with compassion and love. To them,life is like an endless ocean,filled with divine love and energy,full of unbelievable treasures. Indigo's are content if they can express their feelings of Spirituality and love and know that the world around them is responding to their message.

Indigo's have a high sense of honour and their own internal values and belief system.they cannot be told to live by other peoples ideas,beliefs,standards or concepts.Their inner strength and power comes from the Universal connection. To them,Universal Love is the connecting force in the Universe.

Indigo's know that all humans are divine beings.We are not only physical,emotional or mental beings,but connected with a higher power which we call Love. Indigo's also know that everything in the Universe is interconnected.There is no separation. This inner knowledge makes it even more difficult for them to understand why humans treat themselves and the planet so badly.

Indigo's are seen as the new leaders for the coming times.They seem  to have an inherent understanding and awareness about human life and it's Universal implications.They don't need facts,statistics or data to be convinced that our planet is in a bad condition.They also don't need a reason to help humanity to grow Spiritually.Their whole existence shows them we are powerful Spiritual beings waking up from the dream of unconsciousness and darkness.

Centred Indigo's have the energy and power to guide humanity into the age of awareness and true Spirituality. In the past, Indigo's were often found in religious groups or organisations.This was their only method of practising spirituality and discovering energy within. In our society it is no longer necessary to be part of limited religious groups or organisations .As a result today's Indigo personalities have freedom to live their inner feelings without fear.

Indigo's often appear soft and sensitive.Other people sometimes tend to see them as introverted or in extreme cases as bizarre and eccentric.

In power Indigo's are aware,bright,creative and independent individuals with deep feelings and strong intuitions.They follow their inner knowing and abide by higher truths.They understand that life should be treated with integrity,compassion and love.They also understand spiritual concepts far more easily than physical concepts. Indigo's are more interested in learning about higher principles than social beliefs or limits physical realities. No social pressures will force them to compromise or follow rules they do not agree with.

Indigo's integrate their intelligence with a higher understanding,consciousness and Awareness.They are aware and bright in their perceptions of humanity and the universe and are guided by their intuitions and inner knowledge.They seem to be born with an awareness of who they are and what their purpose in life is.Their insight and knowledge seems to come from a different source than our limited intellect.

Indigo's have no particular need to understand the mental concept of an idea or situation.They do not process life through their intellect or their rational minds.They are clear and bright thinkers but perceive life through intuition and feelings.They often come up with unorthodox,intuition based concepts and views of a situation that might be unfamiliar to others.

Indigo's have sensitive,physical bodies.For most of them,intense physical activity is much too harsh and disturbing.They prefer soft and balance physical activities over intense exercises or competitive sports.Their favourite activities would include,taking a walk,jogging or medative exercises.On the other hand,they have a need to express their creativity,which they often do through dancing,painting,writing or other artistic endeavours.

Because Indigo's have a highly developed system,they are uncommonly sensitive and intuitive.They seem to be able to detect energies,emotions and feelings or even spirits,auras and other dimensions.Their high vibration allows them to move into inner dimensions of existence. Indigo's are considered closer to god than others.

With their clarity and innocence, Indigo's are extremely truthful.They must live their life in accordance with the highest of principles.They know we are all divine beings with a greater plan. Life has meaning and we as humans are creating our own reality.While they are honest and independent,they are also compassionate and accepting.

Indigo's need a peaceful and harmonious environment whether at work or at home.Because of their sensitivity and their depth of feelings they need to create their own atmosphere of understanding and clarity.

If Indigo's do not follow their own way they will become depressed,anxious and self destructive.They can also become emotionally closed,introverted,withdrawn from friends and society and hide behind a large "energetic-emotional" wall.Conservative,rigid thinking and the inability to express their deep feelings and their inner truth will cause them to feel sad and isolated.If Indigo's feel helpless,caught up in social rules,but don't want to compromise,they will withdraw from society,create emotional walls around themselves and reside within,without much contact with the outside world. Indigo's can become withdrawn and introverted if they don't understand how to live their power and express their compassion and deep feelings of love.

Out of power Indigo's can become frightened and disoriented.They lose touch with their knowing and feelings and then can't quite understand life anymore.They often turn to drugs and alcohol to hide their confusion and quiet their inner voices.The current state of the planet is not what they envision or understand and therefore they tend to be frustrated and confused.They are plagued with questions such as "If we are one,How can Humanity be so insensitive and nonspiritual?"

When not in power ,the sensitive Indigo's,with their deep feelings,have problems adjusting to the world as it is right now.They feel isolated,misunderstood,as if they were from another planet.Their sensitive physical and emotional system causes them to withdraw.

Indigo's need to connect with their deep feelings and their inner knowledge.If they trust their inner voice they will gain back power and will understand that the Universe is a part of them.They will  understand life's larger plan,of which we are all a part of.



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