Courses for 2023
Looking for Courses for 2023? Book now for the new year! Meditation for beginners Southwell Wed 1pm - 3pm starts 11/01...

Meditation with Mandy
Meditation with Mandy Turner Reiki Master Teacher November 2022 This is through mandys Reiki The first session starts 21st October 2022...

New Courses for 2022
Next Courses Starting From Next Week.... Please book asap to take part in the following.... Meditation For Beginners 13/09/2022 West...

Reiki Courses Level 1 Shoden
The NEW summer term courses have now started..... On Todays Cultures, Beliefs and the new age zoom course It was Reiki week.... we did a...

Reiki Refresher Via Zoom!!!
Reiki refresher on zoom!!! Today will be practical week.... So a reminder for when you set up for today's zoom, make sure you have space...

Zoom Courses for Lockdown Enrolment closing dates
Zoom Courses for Lockdown - Leaflets being delivered!!! Please see below for the enrolment closing dates! Balancing the chakra system -...