White flame cleanse
White flame cleanse During meditation,connect with the white flame to dissolve any negative/lower vibrations. Let the divine light shine...
Focus on you/Shine bright
Focus on you/Shine bright Working through Spiritual Development removes blocks....removes old energy we have been carrying around with...
Stay Focused
Stay Focused We are all born with a life mission.Over time we forget this mission.....it often takes years of suffering to awaken. Is...
Breath work
Breath work A good way of cleansing from within is breath work. As we breathe in the higher purer energy deep into our hara/stomach the...
Heart Expansion.
Heart Expansion. Developing daily energy routines which are personal to you allows you to resonate with the universal energies at a...
Spiritual Empowerment.
Spiritual Empowerment. Completing daily energy work/energy exercises helps our Spiritual development. As the stress and any demands...
Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal.
​Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal. It is great to be able to record down all your experiences as you progress on your Spiritual...
Seeing your aura.
Seeing your aura. This is a lovely exercise to practice. Fill a glass with water. Now with the light behind you...look at your reflection...