Healing through the Chakras - Root Chakra.
Healing through the Chakras - Root Chakra. The Root Chakra lies at the base of the spine. The colour associated with this Chakra is Red....
Christ Consciousness
Christ Consciousness There appears to be a huge shift at the moment.Many are being drawn to Christ Light,Christ Consciousness. Let me...
Connecting with nature.
Connecting with nature. When we reconnect with nature we bring calm and balance into our busy,quite chaotic lives. Our awareness opens as...
Mandys World Inspiration
Mandys World Inspiration Have Faith & Listen..... Let The Birds Show You The Way! Ask for help.....The birds love to help......If you...
Removing Energy Blocks
Removing Energy Blocks Whilst completing energy work/ Spiritual work, any blocks in energy which have built up are chipped away and...
Balancing inner and outer worlds.
Balancing inner and outer worlds. Our outer world reaches out to the Universe.It is in this vibration which messages are sent to us.We...
Look for the Positive
​Look for the Positive Always do what inspires your soul.If a situation is disconnecting you from your souls journey...your life's...
​Infinity. Just as the Universal energy is infinite (flowing in abundance throughout the whole of existence) so then are every...
Go with the flow of the Universe.
Go with the flow of the Universe. The Universal energy can often pull us in a direction....maybe we have started to let worry creep...
Accept Heaven's Help
This is so very true. Sometimes we ask for help,but then lose our calm and start to get irritated and restless as to when the help is...