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​Infinity. Just as the Universal energy is infinite (flowing in abundance throughout the whole of existence) so then are every possibility,every opportunity,every option,every thought,every action,every life,every creation...

If this is the case,then why do we limit ourselves and our lives so?

Infinity being the flow of life....the manifestation....the creation of that manifestation....the chance to live that manifestation....

Universal energy is free!

It flows through every living thing on this planet and throughout the universe.

We pray for abu​ndance - yet we already have abundance......It is all around us flowing through us.

It is only ourselves which block this flow....through fear.Why?

What are we afraid of?

If everything is within our own grasp....If everything is ready for our creation.....Why do we not just "Get on with it?"!!

What ever that fear has an opposite! so look for the opposite of any fears when manifesting.......create with a loving heart and be ready to accept that which you have created with an open heart.

There are no limits.......limits have been placed on us to keep us living in fear........break out of that fear!

fear does not is a block which stops you progressing......This is what we do...We see the opposite of that fear,transforming the block into positive vibrant energy.

Work with the Universe - Not against it!

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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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