Magic & Miracles
Magic & Miracles The world is a wonderful place.... From time to time we often lose track of the magic and miracles which surround us. ...
The Infinite Universe
The Infinite Universe We have at any one time in our lives an Infinite Abundance of energy surrounding us.That energy is what makes our...
Social Media Impact/Positivity
I am a strong believer that whatever you post/write/design, it will always find whoever needs to read the post at that moment in their...
Touching The Void.
Touching The Void. There is a place between Ying & Yang... Between Good & Bad... Between The Sun & The Moon.... When we enter this space...
Mandys World Book recommendations for Spiritual Development.
Mandys World Book recommendations for Spiritual Development. Over the years I have dedicated time to read self development books.....many...
Abundance of energy.
Abundance of energy. There is an abundance of energy in the world we live.Everything that lives in this world has a life
Building your Future.
​Building your Future. We do not live in the past....we do not live in the future...we live in the how do we build our dream...
​Infinity. Just as the Universal energy is infinite (flowing in abundance throughout the whole of existence) so then are every...
Go with the flow of the Universe.
Go with the flow of the Universe. The Universal energy can often pull us in a direction....maybe we have started to let worry creep...
Manifestation. All the energy for the life you wish for is already within you! Start creating a positive life today! To do this requires...