
All the energy for the life you wish for is already within you!
Start creating a positive life today!
To do this requires a form of healing within your own body.I will try and explain in simple terms and it is a very complex energy system in which we live.
It is not just a change of thought pattern which is needed....Yes! this helps and probably spurs most people to take upon the healing required.It does however go much deeper than that.
To repair the DNA of our bodies,the mind,body,spirit and soul together.
The body is full of meridians of energy which link our Chakras..our bodies...our thoughts to our energy grid...Merkabah.
Through our lives if we get hurt,betrayed,attacked with negative energy we then place blocks and barriers within our body.Instead of renewing the energy and moving on with confidence, we take the knock and retreat into our shells(our Merkabah).
This stops the flow of we consciously restrict the energy flow.This creates more problems throughout our lives. It not only creates physical issues within our bodies,mental problems in our minds....but also life issues in the world around us.
Life carries on everyday.If we shut ourselves away from fear of hurt,rejection,abuse is only us ourselves which suffer...we get left behind.
So how does this tie in with Manifesting a more positive life?
Taking the steps to heal all parts of our body,mind,soul and spirit actually repairs the chakra's....enabling a better flow of energy/life throughout our meridians.
Once we undertake a deeper repair....letting all past issues,hurts go....switching off from drama's,restrictions and controls we start to create the positive energy force throughout our lives in which we were born with.
By restoring this energy our thoughts lift...our inspiration is regained and our confidence boosts.
Heal the body....heal the mind....heal the future.
Manifest low energy....or manifest high energy....the decision is and always has been yours!