Social Media Impact/Positivity
I am a strong believer that whatever you post/write/design, it will always find whoever needs to read the post at that moment in their...
Energy Purge
Energy Purge When something has taken hold in your life which is against your true self,this may start to feel uncomfortable.It has moved...
Spiritual Development.
​Spiritual Development. Working on your own energy system daily allows your vibration to shift to a higher frequency.This shift in...
Being in your cave.
​Being in your cave. Through a spiritual journey we sometimes feel the need to withdraw.....locking ourselves into our own cave. This...
​Infinity. Just as the Universal energy is infinite (flowing in abundance throughout the whole of existence) so then are every...
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon.
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon. Tonight is the night - the last in the Tetrad of blood moon's... Can you feel the energy? What were...
Never doubt your Reiki
Never doubt your Reiki. Tap into the energy and self Reiki daily. You will know when you need to self reiki,some times it is more than...
Spiritual Progression
Spiritual Progression. As you become more spiritually developed others may notice you become less attached to any fear which is being...
Archangel Raguel.
Archangel Raguel. Raguel means friend of god. He brings with him balance,peace and harmony.If this is an area you wish to improve,sit...
Grounding. As you work with your energy the higher connection can unbalance you. Do not forget to work with grounding. What are the tell...