Being in your cave.
Being in your cave. Through a spiritual journey we sometimes feel the need to withdraw.....locking ourselves into our own cave. This happens as we work on our inner self.We uncover past issues within ourselves which we have carried around with us for such a long time. Through this alone time we can work on our energy and release the past energies. By living in a cave are we placing blocks upon our lives? In a way yes,as we do this we consciously switch away from the flow of life. Is this a bad thing? Not at all.This has happened to allow the inner work to evolve.It is not something which can be done by living a busy life.In order to feel,work and release - we need a quiet space. Without this work,we would be forcing our way forward.Which in turn is conflicting with the release. Once the release has been worked on,our inner light shines again.We become more peaceful and our vibration lifts. This is not something which can be rushed....we can not be enticed out of our inner cave until we ourselves are ready. So why do we not just go with the flow? Living a busy life without completing inner work will leave a lost feeling within our energy something is missing. Without this stage to advance our energy to become brighter, it can feel like we are doing the doggy paddle. The key is to relax,be will float. The Japanese sun goddess Amaterasu shut herself away in her cave because she did not like what was happening to the world.She saw the destruction and shut herself away....allowing the world to get on with it. It was only when she saw her own inner light in a mirror that she came out from the cave to shine her bright light upon the world. When the time is shine your light.