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Learn Shoden & Okuden

Reiki 1 - Shoden. Private Teaching

Learn the beginning teachings in Usui Reiki in 2020

With Mandys Reiki.

At this level you become qualified to practice Reiki on yourself,family & friends.

This Level includes :-

Starting working with the precepts

Three Diamonds Exercise

Hatsurei Ho Exercise

Meditations & Reiju's from Mandy

Learning Self Reiki

Starting Reiki on family and friends

You will get your first Reiki Manual to start working with between classes.

Upon Completion you will also get a lineage report and traditional certificate.

Private Teachings are one to one or small group.

Learn Reiki In 2020 !

Reiki Level 2 Okuden - Private Teaching

Okuden Meaning Inner Teachings

At this level of Usui Reiki we introduce .....

the first three symbols,

the first three mantras.....

Carry on working deeper with the precepts

Meditation techniques

Mindfulness techniques

Reiju's each time we meet

Students Must have completed level 1 Shoden before booking this level.

If you have already completed Level 1 Reiki that was not Shoden but would like to book in......We can work out an adjustment for you when you book.

All you will need to provide for this is....

your Reiki Manual,Certificate and lineage chart (if you still have them)

Details of where and when you trained,so we can work with the best option for you to progress.

Upon completion of level 2 Okuden students are allowed to set up as a Reiki practitioner.

Again you will get a traditional certificate upon completion and a lineage chart if you completed level 1 Reiki with someone else.

Private teachings are one to one or small groups.

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