April courses 2024 Now Booking!
Courses starting in April 2024! Now Booking! Growth Mindset Worksop 16th april 6 weeks 10-12 noon https://www.inspireculture.org.uk/skill...

2024/2025 courses!
Save the date! Feng Shui is back as an online course. This will be ran via teams. There will also only be TWO for the whole year...

Inspire awards
Inspire Awards Time ! Thankyou for all who voted for me last time! - It's here again..... Have you been inspired by a colleague, learner,...

Inspirational Feedback 5 Years worth!
Inspire learning a wonderful place to teach ,learn - grow. I've just been reading the courses feedback notes from the last 5 years! Wow!...

Courses starting in Feb 2023
2023 Courses Starting in Feb! Meditation Next Steps Southwell starts 22nd feb 1pm - 3pm for 6 weeks https://www.inspireculture.org.uk/ski...

Jan 2023 courses
2023 courses Starting in Jan! Meditation for beginners Southwell starts 11th Jan 1pm - 3pm for 5 weeks https://www.inspireculture.org.uk/...

Courses starting in June 2023
2023 Courses Starting in June! Meditation Next Steps Eastbourne House Sutton-In-Ashfield starts 9th June 10am - 12 noon for 6 weeks...

Meditation Events
Meditation event 18th November 2022 We will be completing the see-saw meditation at the next Meditation event. This meditation allows you...

Courses for 2023
Looking for Courses for 2023? Book now for the new year! Meditation for beginners Southwell Wed 1pm - 3pm starts 11/01...

Meditation with Mandy
Meditation with Mandy Turner Reiki Master Teacher November 2022 This is through mandys Reiki The first session starts 21st October 2022...