Inspire awards
Inspire Awards Time !
Thankyou for all who voted for me last time! - It's here again.....
Have you been inspired by a colleague, learner, community group, tutor, volunteer or staff member? Do you know an amazing person who deserves to be recognised for their outstanding achievement this year?
The awards are open to everyone – individual, team, group or partner who has achieved great things through their relationship with Inspire.
With 12 awards up for grabs, make sure you nominate for one of the following categories:
Adult Learner of the Year - open to all adult learners who have been on an inspirational learning journey
An Inspiration to Me - open to all who have been an inspiration and deserve to be thanked
Creativity and Innovation - open to staff members, individuals and teams who have created a fantastic project, service or outcome
Customer Service Excellence - open to Inspire staff (individuals and teams) who have given exceptional service
Innovative Partnership - open to schools, organisations, groups providers or other services who have made an outstanding contribution
Inspired to Create - recognising the creation of new work supported by Inspire in the form of music, dance, writing, art, technology and heritage
Inspiring Reading - open to an individual, team or service who have inspired a customer or learner with a new love of reading
New Starter of the Year - open to new Inspire staff who have committed to the mission and values of the organisation
Tutor of the Year - open to all tutors who have made an amazing contribution to learning
Unsung Hero - a chance to highlight the fantastic contribution of those who shun the limelight but work hard for Inspire
Volunteer of the Year - open to all volunteers who have enriched Inspire's services and make a difference to their community
Young Person Greatest Learning Journey - recognising the amazing journey of Inspire's young learners
Nominations are for 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2023.
Nominations close 14th April 2023
#inspireawards #tutoroftheyear #reiki #meditation #mindfulness #suttoninashfield #kirkbyinashfield #mansfield #ashfield #hucknall #arnold #beeston #stapleford #eeastwood #zoom #inspirelearning #inspireculture #mandysreiki #mandysworld #mandyturner
