Karmic healing
Karmic healing There may be times when Karmic healing is required to shift the vibration. Maybe you have started to feel a pull to...

"The great bright light"
"The great bright light" As this white energy core flows through our crown chakra,running down.. flowing through each chakra....There is a...

The Lifeforce is strong.
The Lifeforce is strong. On any Spiritual development journey adapting to any energy upgrades takes time and dedication to complete daily...

Great Bright Light/Lifeforce
Great Bright Light/Lifeforce We all have a lifeforce running through every cell in our bodies.It is this lifeforce which can also bring...

Honour Your Soul
Honour Your Soul Be True & Pure Find The Magic Within The Air Be Soft Be Gentle Life Will Flow Watch Your World Around You Grow Mandy...

Mandys World Inspiration
Mandys World Inspiration Have Faith & Listen..... Let The Birds Show You The Way! Ask for help.....The birds love to help......If you...

Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think
Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think Working on our own energy systems helps us to release old stagnant energies....as...

Life Purpose.
Life Purpose. We have travelled through life many,many lifetimes.Each time we bring a new purpose to our lives.....each time we decide...

From Spirit to Child
From Spirit to Child During conception we enter through the white spirit door to journey towards our life in the womb.We have already...

NBV BizEx Networking Event
Had a Great day today at the NBV BizEx networking event. Met some lovely business people and got presented with my Prosecco and...