What happens when we place blocks in our life?
What happens when we place blocks in our life? It is like stepping on a garden hose. We stop the flow of energy running through us and...

10 steps to Happiness.
10 steps to Happiness. 1 - LOOK FOR HAPPINESS If you are looking for reasons why the world is out to get you,you will find them. If you...

Challenges are lessons.
Challenges are lessons. On your spiritual path there may be many twists and turns...many challenges. These are sent not as a...

Direction. What fuels one persons soul,does not necessarily fuel the next persons soul.we are all here to help lift the planet...help...

Leap of Faith
Do you have a yearning to be something better than where you are today? Much as you try to talk yourself out of it....It still keeps...

Who is in control of your life? Is it your Ego? or your Soul?
Bring balance to your life. Who is in control of your life? Is it your Ego? or your Soul? One would say the Soul should be in full...

How we react
How we react also gives the other person control over your life. Instead re-program your mind to stay strong,centred and rise above any...

Energy blocks
Energy blocks and pain throughout the body is a sign and is connected to certain areas in your life. If your life becomes unbalanced your...

If Everyone Knew The Benefits of Working With Energy
If everyone knew the benefits of working with the universal energy and how it feels to be free of all past baggage,how much...

Believe in yourself.
Believe in yourself. People often put you down, as rather than be humble and praise your talents they chose to live in the lower energy....