Self Love.
​Self Love. To be happy in your own company is a true value.Too often we place attachments to outside sources for happiness.....it is...

Rise & Shine.
​Rise & Shine. Each morning as you wake give thanks and say "Good Morning" to your Angels,Spirit Guides,Archangels,Ascended...

Reiki, Bodywork & You.
​Reiki, Bodywork & You. Working with Reiki (Universal energy) to unlock,start or develop your spiritual development and healing process...

Being in your cave.
​Being in your cave. Through a spiritual journey we sometimes feel the need to withdraw.....locking ourselves into our own cave. This...

Telepathy/Twin Flames.
​Telepathy/Twin Flames. As you tune into your telepathic channel you may start to see an orange glow in your third eye,which starts to...

Inner Light.
Inner Light. Working on our body's,mind's,soul's & spirit's energy system we gently remove toxins from our energy grid. These can stem...

Meditation. A process to aid the mind.The mind being the most important part of our being.This is where thoughts are...

Universal energies.
Universal energies. Some days you keep going to do things,however the Universe has other plans.....Oh no you don't! You need to rest. ...

Taking back your power.
Taking back your power. Over the last few months the energy of the Universe has been helping us to clear out,sift through parts of our...

Are you an Empath ?
Are you an Empath ? A subject I can talk very in depth about.As an Empath you will pick up other peoples energy and emotions quite...