Reiki, Bodywork & You.
Reiki, Bodywork & You.
Working with Reiki (Universal energy) to unlock,start or develop your spiritual development and healing process can be a tough one.
Many decide to help people heal through Reiki,only to pick up the energies of clients.
Firstly - Reiki is for you!
As a practitioner,you must first work with and understand the it it and when you need it yourself.
If we look at the original teachings, Usui did not freely distribute his Reiki teachings.Nor did he rush anyone from one level to the he understood the personal work involved takes time.
Until this is understood,your balance can be easily knocked!
This requires lots of inner work....and lots and lots of bodywork...this can be Reiki,Yoga,Kundalini,Chanting and/or Meditation.
The purpose of all this is to not only free the mind of worry and anger...bringing compassion and gratitude to our is also to free our body of any blocks in we can better serve clients.
If we go about any healing work,without firstly working on ourselves....the flow of energy(Chi).....will not flow to the full potential......Thus not giving the client the best experience of Reiki.
Once our minds and bodies have cleansed.......Reiki becomes natural.We help our clients not only through a Reiki treatment but also as a calming energy shining from within....
Working on your own bodywork firstly is the knowledge you need....listen to your body and respect your body.