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Inner Light.

Inner Light. Working on our body's,mind's,soul's & spirit's energy system we gently remove toxins from our energy grid. These can stem back from birth......past relationships....past hurts..... Blocks we have surrounded our system with over time, start to be removed. As this process is unique to every individual...there is no time limit of how long this may take......everyone has a different life story. This is done by the use of therapies/treatments such as Reiki,Yoga and meditation.Through the process we go within and explore our own bodies energy we delve into this energy which surrounds us.....we start to sift through "Old"energy which we have been carrying around in our auric field.(This not only weigh us down,it also blocks new vibrant energy from filtering through our system). As we delve deeper...we start uncovering the deeper aspects of ourselves.....the emotions/experiences we have consciously buried in order to soldier on with life. Now we come across them again......It is much like sorting through old drawers.We find things we have kept for years...and when we find them again - we often wonder why we held onto them. Some bring happy memories of our younger selves ..... others bring flooding back the very hurts we had buried deep for a reason. In order for them to be removed - we feel the old emotions. This time we understand this has been weighing us down,stopping us from progressing....this time it is time to release these old energies for healing. As the energies are sent away for healing.....our soul/inner self starts to become lighter.As this happens we sometimes feel the shift in energy.Our inner light gets brighter,as we remove and de-clutter our energy system. If we relate back to the drawer....what happens when we have cleared the drawer out? how much space do we have in there? What will we do with all this space? We fill it with more vibrant energy.......The flow of life starts to move again.....the mood is lifted...our spirits lifted.....our lives this takes place - we start to sparkle and shine! #reiki #energy #aura #chakras #universe #shaman#psychic #angels #spiritguides #spiritual #archangels#ascendedmasters #usuireiki #meditation #soul #yoga#chi #ki #prana #shine #sparkle #innerlight#lightworkers #innerself #mandysworld #mandysreiki#mandyturner

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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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