Collective energies
Collective energy I'm getting lots of questions about what is happening lately energy wise. I have signposted to other spiritual teachers...

Courses In West Bridgford
Courses in West Bridgford 2023 Setting up Holistic Business Saturdays 10am - 12 noon for 2 weeks starts 8th April...

Courses Stapleford & Beeston
Courses Stapleford library & Beeston Library 2023 Meditation for beginners Stapleford Thursday 1pm - 3pm starts 23rd feb for 6 weeks...

Reiki Level 1 Shoden
Reiki 1 - Shoden. Private Teaching Learn to look after your own energy in 2023! Learn the beginning teachings in Usui Reiki. At this...

Reiki Refresher
Reiki Refresher for 2023! Have you learnt Reiki and need a refresher? Practice & brush up on techniques meditation & Reiju Dependant on...

Reiki Level 3 Shinpiden
Shinpiden Reiki Level 3 Private Teaching - At this Masters level we focus on working with the fourth symbol,the fourth...

Christos This spinal fluid runs to the base of the spine, where it rests for 2 and a half days before travelling back up the spine. Can...

2023 The Numerology
Are you getting ready for a new year? .....This means a new number will be in force. 2023 2+0+2+3 = 7 This year will bring collective...

Mercury Retrograde 27/12 2022 - 18/01 2023
Navigating Mercury Retrograde Three times a year Mercury goes retrograde.This is the last one for 2022! and turns direct on Jan 18th...

Courses starting in Feb 2023
2023 Courses Starting in Feb! Meditation Next Steps Southwell starts 22nd feb 1pm - 3pm for 6 weeks https://www.inspireculture.org.uk/ski...