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Collective energies

Collective energy I'm getting lots of questions about what is happening lately energy wise. I have signposted to other spiritual teachers for some guidance and understanding. I also felt I should pop a post in the media world,with the intent this post finds whoever needs to hear this.... Firstly You are not alone The energies are very high at the moment. We have had a blue moon at the end of August....which followed on from the 8/8 lionsgate. Mercury has been retrograde.a time when communication and technology can mis behave. Mercury went direct yesterday,so this should start easing off in the next two weeks. We are on a virgo new moon,which is bringing up a lot of release work for things which we have outgrown. The Schumann resonance has been spiking recently,this relates to the earth's frequency. So if you are sensitive or an empath you may feel these energies more intently. So how do we navigate them or protect ourselves? Drink lots of water Eat light healthy meals Exercise/ walk Sage/incense Meditate Grounding work Any black crystals are good for grounding and protection We can send loving kindness/metta to the world and situations...... remember we all have free will.... If others are open to receive the love and compassion it will filter through.if not - it will not be wasted,it will go to who needs it. Look after your own energy. Rest Be open to accept and revive This shift in energy is a collective shift,however not all of humanity will be aware.. We are transitioning from 3d to 5d Use any holistic therapies to help yourself and others Reiki Aromatherapy Reflexology Sports massage Remember - only love is real And just to end with something which came up in a course this week... We are now in a state of growth through joy as the old leaves. No longer are we in growth through suffering Growth through joy! So know you are not in this alone Stay strong and keep up the positivity #Mercury #mercurydirect #spiritualgrowth #collectiveenergy #ascension #awakening #spiritual #schumannresonance #fullmoon #bluemoon #newmoon #ascensionUpdate #angels #spiritguides #archangels #ascendedmasters #mandysreiki #mandyturner #mandysworld #reiki #lovingkindness



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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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