Are you an Empath ?

Are you an Empath ?
A subject I can talk very in depth about.As an Empath you will pick up other peoples energy and emotions quite freely,even if you don't realise it at the time.
You feel what they are feeling as though it was your energy.
If you don't realise it and recognise it is someone else you are picking up on,you could end up trying to treat an illness or negative emotion that YOU do not have.
It takes many many years to work out what is happening and how to cope with it.
At times you will feel like climbing the walls.
You can sense things before they happen.Pick up on loved ones.Or more negative people will zone in on you as they feel better for shoving their dirt on you.
They will feel refreshed while you are left drained and confused.
The best way to cope with this is to acknowledge the energy is not yours and sent it away to your spirit guides,ask them to take the energy and send healing.
You may not always know where it has come from.
As you do this you may see friends/colleagues perk up.
It is also the reason why empaths shut themselves away to deal with the energy.
Is this you? if so have you considered learning Reiki? It has helped me