Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think
Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think Working on our own energy systems helps us to release old stagnant
How do we heal?
How do we heal? We are all made of energy.Everything surrounding you in the room you are in is made of energy. As we go through life our...
The power to Heal.
​The power to Heal. The Universe is made of energy.We all have the power to utilise this power...the power to heal. ...
Are you an Empath ?
Are you an Empath ? A subject I can talk very in depth about.As an Empath you will pick up other peoples energy and emotions quite...
Empaths and Reiki ....................
Empaths and Reiki .................... Considered a gift Empathy is sometimes not seen that way. Learning to cope with it and turning the...
Never doubt your Reiki
Never doubt your Reiki. Tap into the energy and self Reiki daily. You will know when you need to self reiki,some times it is more than...
Sound healing.
Sound healing. The powers of sound vibration aid in healing the mind,body,soul and spirit. The vibrations work on all levels....
Direction. What fuels one persons soul,does not necessarily fuel the next persons soul.we are all here to help lift the
Experience and knowledge
Experience and knowledge are gained through life experiences and through personal learning. Whatever you have learnt may in return help...
Healing the Heart.
Healing the Heart. Although journeying into the depths of your heart to heal all aspects throughout your time can be uncomfortable,you...