Healing the Heart.
Healing the Heart.
Although journeying into the depths of your heart to heal all aspects throughout your time can be uncomfortable,you will thank yourself once you have completed this healing.
As you deal with old past issues and work with the healing aspect....you will feel the flutter...the piecing back together.
Take deep breathes.....In with the energy and out with the negative.
The more time you work with this - the faster your heart will revitalise.
You may feel a coolness working around your heart as the healing takes place - as the energy heals.
It is a good feeling to know after all this time you can let it all go.
It will feel as though there is more room inside your body...it will feel like a weight has been lifted.
All this time you carried such a heavy heart..........and now it is lifting.
The relief can be overwhelming.........you will be filled with so much joy!
Let your heavy heart go.............and enjoy unconditional love.