Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think

Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think Working on our own energy systems helps us to release old stagnant they release our energy shifts to a higher vibration.This new vibration contains free flowing energy. With blocks removed this energy has the full run of our energy system. Our minds,bodies,souls,spirits,aura and lives are lifted as this happens.Did you think it stopped there? No - it does not.....we are all connected on the grid of life.So every interaction we have in our lives with another human,animal,object,area etc. also feeds from this vibration. So as you focus on healing and lifting your own vibration you will also notice the change in energy surrounding your home life,work life and any interaction which takes place. As your energy have shifted to a higher vibration - the light shines down the multitude of webs in the grid of life. This is why if you have developed so strongly in energy work you may pick up on low vibrations easily.....It can feel like (even in the distance of the grid) something is pulling the energy down.This can be sensed in a dull vibration through your body,a shaking feeling,a feeling sick energy or just a knowing something is off key. It helps when these sense's appear to start your energy work straight away....the longer you leave this vibration....the more energy it will gain to grow. You are a lightworker in the grid of life......So every energy work you complete helps to shift the vibration of the Planet and the Universe. So next time you think - I can't be bothered today - Think of this message.....You are doing so much more than you realise.