The Lifeforce is strong.

The Lifeforce is strong.
On any Spiritual development journey adapting to any energy upgrades takes time and dedication to complete daily energy exercises. Each journey is unique to us directly.
No two souls have had the exact same experiences in life.So depending on your lifes journey thus far and how committed to your spiritual development, is what sets your energetic development through this process.
The pure lifeforce direct from source is far too strong to be adapted to in any one session.It can take many years to develop and as the shifts to the planet take place,so does the energy which is allowed through to us.
Some days (if you are sensitive to these energy shifts) you may not have any choice,but to relax and take in these shifts in vibration.
Everything happens for a if this is happening to are being prepared for your lifes mission.
As the stronger vibrations come into play,they release/dissolve lower vibrations within you and surrounding your life.
Often these shifts can make us become dizzy/sick as the lower vibrations are flushed from our systems.
The shifts can also range from hot energy - which is purging the lower energies away to cold energy - which is changing the vibration within your cells.
Our bodies and minds change during this time,anything that does not match our higher self and our life purpose is cleansed away to allow higher vibrations to uplift our lives.
If this is happening to you - be thankful to the Universe and enjoy the journey.The more you are at peace with yourself and your journey you are,the easier this becomes.
For those who are experiencing this now - know that you are part of the lightworkers who will lead the way in the future.As more and more open up to the energies and how this can have a massive healing effect to ourselves,the world and the entire universe,they will seek help and guidance from the ones who have already raised their vibration to great heights.
And if this helps.....Mandys World posts from 2 year ago are still being liked and shared! ..... so keep doing what you do because you are making a difference.
Stand in your own power.
Love & Light
Mandy xx