Energy Purge

Energy Purge
When something has taken hold in your life which is against your true self,this may start to feel uncomfortable.It has moved your attention away from your true path and roots have formed.
Energy cleansing will release most of the roots/causes.Often tho we need to dig deeper and purge the energy away.
When this happens our temperature rises as we burn out the energy buried within.It needs to keep going.It takes as long as it takes.....Approach energy purges with a positive determination and work with the Universe to clear them away.
Once the high temperature releases then comes the cleansing energy - the pins and needles....the cooler energy,to sweep away anything which has been uprooted in your energy system.
Focus and complete energy exercises at every opportunity as this can take weeks to clear.
Accept this process with a positive mind and enjoy the are doing this for you! you can do it - you are stronger than this.......and on the other side of the energy purge - you have created space for higher energies in your life.
Energy purges work hand in hand with any Manifestation work....if you are looking to get back on track,the lower energies must be removed.
Stay focused in your own energy - pull your energy back......and cleanse away!