Spiritual Progression
Spiritual Progression.
As you become more spiritually developed others may notice you become less attached to any fear which is being attempted to be placed on your soul.
No longer will you give this lower vibration energy,as you will be able to see the world for what it is.see the bigger picture...see the higher energies at play.
You will slowly drop materialistic holdings which have been placed on you over time.
Fear/threats and Control will become a tiny bubble in which you now pop!
instead of a big dark cloud which used to engulf you and pull you down.
You will also feel when something like this is coming your way...as your awareness has heightened.
The vibration will get your attention to prepare you to deal with this lower energy in a positive confident way...and so POP! the bubble.
Going forward you will be able to help others move from the dark lower energies.Showing them how to raise above it,vibrate and shine.....radiate love