Lift your vibration
Lift your vibration We are all born with gifts inside us. As young children we know they are there and may not understand why? if this is...
Do you ever feel you are ahead of time?
Do you ever feel you are ahead of time? Lightworkers,Empaths,Psychics,Healers,Energy workers,Holistic therapists,Spiritual...
Telepathy/Twin Flames.
​Telepathy/Twin Flames. As you tune into your telepathic channel you may start to see an orange glow in your third eye,which starts to...
​Sensitivity. As you become more sensitive to frequencies and vibrations you will start to notice how the Universal energy changes...
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon.
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon. Tonight is the night - the last in the Tetrad of blood moon's... Can you feel the energy? What were...
The Akashic records
The Akashic records. The library off all time. All information that ever was,is and will be is inside the askashic records.Otherwise...
Soul Awakening
Soul Awakening I wanted to discuss this next topic in the hope it will reach someone who is going through this right now or has had this...
Spiritual Progression
Spiritual Progression. As you become more spiritually developed others may notice you become less attached to any fear which is being...
Kundalini Have you ever experienced a feeling in which you keep wanting to straighten your back? If the answer is yes then the chances...
Seeing your aura.
Seeing your aura. This is a lovely exercise to practice. Fill a glass with water. Now with the light behind you...look at your reflection...