Touching The Void.

Touching The Void.
There is a place between Ying & Yang... Between Good & Bad... Between The Sun & The Moon....
When we enter this space - It is called Touching The Void.
In this space..... we are in a place of pure calm & pure balance.
This helps our connection with source become more pure & serene.
In this place we see things for what they are....what we have created & what we wish to release.
It is The Manifestation zone, where we create Magic & Miracles.......where we build the life we wish to live. And let go of anything which no longer serves our higher self.
In this state we gain clarity & insight.
The Akasha Mudra is very helpful to use during meditation to reach this state of being.
Your own inner space,where nothing exists......and everything is built.
Reaching this void allows our energy to be still....for it is in those moments we start to understand who we are,where we are going & what we need to do to better align our energy to a better future.