Go with the flow of the Universe.
Go with the flow of the Universe. The Universal energy can often pull us in a direction....maybe we have started to let worry creep in....maybe we are letting doubt get a hold.
When this happens,forces often try to get us to sit down and relax.
The abundance of energy is there,trying to help us......however try as they might to calm us....we continue to get carried away with materialistic controls.
It's time! if you have had a feeling you have been putting off these messages to chill out! then do it.
Once you say "O.K. O.K. I will rest up" the energy will flood through you....to uplift you.....calm you....de-stress you.
Put some relaxing music on and let the stress float away.Do you feel yourself coming back?
Often when we quieten the "Ego" and relax....whatever it was we were getting worked up about.....is either resolved.....doesn't seem as important...or maybe something appeared out of the blue!
Work with the Universal energies.....not against them......again we are back to....accepting......be open to receive.