Abundance of energy.
Abundance of energy.
There is an abundance of energy in the world we live.Everything that lives in this world has a life force...an energy flowing through every particle. This energy does not stop flowing.....it does slow down if we become enveloped in low vibrations.Which in turn dulls our mood and our outlook on life.
The more we become stuck in this low vibration - the less we remember that there actually is an abundance of free flowing energy ready to lift us and project our vibrations back to a high vibration.
We have another Full Moon super moon next week,which is the third in a series of Super moons. Many of us over the last few months have been cleansing and working on shifting lower vibrations which no longer serve us. This has taken a few months to clear to allow all area's of our lives to be addressed.
While we are in this heavy state of cleansing,the energies we are shifting come to the surface.
Do not get too attached to these energies.
Allow them to come up and let them go.
We have to feel to release them.
If we start holding onto the vibrations as they appear,our energy starts vibrating at that vibration and we start reliving the emotions and blocking the flow of energy....let them go.
Let the abundance of energy and the Universe work with you.