Healing through the Chakras - Root Chakra.
Healing through the Chakras - Root Chakra. The Root Chakra lies at the base of the spine. The colour associated with this Chakra is Red. To aid any healing for this Chakra you could light a red candle...wear red clothes....decorate your home with red ornaments or flowers. Diet too can also play a part in any Chakra being out of balance. Try eating healthy food rich in Iron. Again following the colour red - Food which is red can help towards any healing for this Chakra. Yoga and breathing exercises can help to balance the root Chakra. So how do we know if this Chakra has become out of balance? The Root Chakra is linked to the survival mode. If fear,insecurity,lack of self come into play the chances are this Chakra needs some Urgent attention! Reiki can help to balance this Chakra.If you are attuned to Reiki,you can sometimes spend 2 hours giving this Chakra energy alone. Affirmations and the voice are very powerful. You can recite the ones on the image or make a list of your very own affirmations. With the root chakra it is all about taking control of your own life! Finding your purpose! and doing what you want to do! Believe in yourself! Own your power!