Removing Energy Blocks

Removing Energy Blocks Whilst completing energy work/ Spiritual work, any blocks in energy which have built up are chipped away and removed. Some may be instantly transformed into a higher vibration...whilst others may take time and patience with energy work to remove/resolve. It all depends how deep the blocks go. Some can have deep roots and may also depend on other area's of your life too. When this happens ... approach it as a "weeding out" phase. To simply pull the roots of the blocks up would in turn up root more blocks at the same time. The roots have over the years (with very deep blocks) become entangled and intertwined with each other. Whilst we would all love to "rip" them out...our body,mind and soul would not be able to handle to sudden change. This is why a delicate approach is required.....gently tackling each section to see what else this would unearth. Pulling them out gently one by one ..... untangling the energy with the least disruption to our energy fields..... Remember we are never given a situation we can not handle ourselves...and also remember to have patience & faith. Mandy