Christ Consciousness

Christ Consciousness
There appears to be a huge shift at the moment.Many are being drawn to Christ Light,Christ Consciousness.
Let me start by saying this is not religious,as this in itself would scare many away. Christ Consciousness,Christ Light is the Spiritual energy which we were born with.The very life which flows through our energy systems.
This is the purest form of energy there is on earth.The highest vibration!
As we move through the chakra system and align our body,mind,soul and spirit,we then connect to this pure form of energy.
Be open to receive and it floods your whole system with white light.As you allow yourself to be open to receive say Christ Light 3 times........repeat this during any energy work or meditation and feel the energy settling within you.
This is a very important shift for all lightworkers,as we are being prepared during the energy shifts to vibrate at this frequency now!
(As I typed this - the clouds parted and the sun shone directly onto my workstation)
In this vibration all lower vibrations are removed.....out goes fear...out goes anger...out goes drama...out goes stress......out goes control....out goes worry...out goes distractions.....out goes get the picture...any lower vibrations and negativity can not vibrate in the same frequency as Christ Light.
The reason we are being drawn to this pure energy at this moment in time,is for all lightworkers to step into their light.....take back their power and unite.It is a very important time,we have so much work to do in the coming years.
If this is happening to you,then you too are part of this dramatic shift in consciousness.....You are part of the new world order to uplift the vibration of others who come to you for help. This is why you have to be so clear in frequency.......because we are going to be busy!
There will come a time through this shift where the cleansing energy exercises we complete daily will be automatically cleansed in this light....As our time is needed to help and serve others,we will not have time to spend cleansing.
If this energy has been around you and you have dismissed it,thinking of religion...does it still follow you? Yes,because it is for you and it is Spiritual......It is needed for progression at this stage.
To help with this shift place white energy around your aura and invite the light. At first you may need to sit for a while as the energy adjusts. This is high vibrational!
If you have been experiencing the energy shifts..... watch out for this one xx