Focus on you/Shine bright

Focus on you/Shine bright
Working through Spiritual Development removes blocks....removes old energy we have been carrying around with us.As our development progresses....our inner light shines brighter.
If we then stop working on our inner energy our light dims.This is why having a daily routine helps our inner energy - our light shine bright.....As we are all filled with infinite abundance of energy which needs to be nurtured.....declutter & cleanse daily.
If we spread ourselves too thin.....people often take,take,take....we being good hearted oblige.Over time this becomes too much,we often forsake our own energy work.....There comes a time when we need to back off and work on our own energy.....take back our power......remember we can not help others if we over do our support.There needs to be a balance.
Find the balance - reclaim your light and shine bright.
Find time for you daily to cleanse.