Reiki is a journey.
Reiki is a journey. Learning and administering Reiki has many benefits. Initially we may learn Reiki as a way to help the world heal....
Spiritual Development.
​Spiritual Development. Working on your own energy system daily allows your vibration to shift to a higher frequency.This shift in...
Building your Future.
​Building your Future. We do not live in the past....we do not live in the future...we live in the how do we build our dream...
Reiki, Bodywork & You.
​Reiki, Bodywork & You. Working with Reiki (Universal energy) to unlock,start or develop your spiritual development and healing process...
Being in your cave.
​Being in your cave. Through a spiritual journey we sometimes feel the need to withdraw.....locking ourselves into our own cave. This...
The power to Heal.
​The power to Heal. The Universe is made of energy.We all have the power to utilise this power...the power to heal. ...
Look for the Positive
​Look for the Positive Always do what inspires your soul.If a situation is disconnecting you from your souls journey...your life's...
Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal.
​Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal. It is great to be able to record down all your experiences as you progress on your Spiritual...
​Sensitivity. As you become more sensitive to frequencies and vibrations you will start to notice how the Universal energy changes...
​Karma/energy Karma is the energy of the universe. Call it if you will "your decision ". This is where the law of attraction kicks in. If...