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Telepathy...One Thought...One Language

As we match the frequency and vibration this enables us to communicate through Telepathy.Both in the dream state and the awakened state. Animals are very open to this form of communication,as they rely mostly on their survival instincts.They all have their own animal sounds which allows them to communicate to themselves and other animals.If we look at telepathy......the very fact we are able to communicate through telepathy...suggests animals use and are very well adapted in this area. Now if we take that one step further.....What about language? How do they understand our telepathy...AND reply back? If for example,we have a cat who's owners are speaking in a different language....How would the cat understand English? What about wild birds? as they are born to travel the world and have "No owner" how would they understand the language you are communicating in? As Telepathy works over any space or time using vibrations and frequencies ..... just as time and space do not exist ...neither does language.Confirmation once again of oneness.......we are all connected through the thought vibrations which links to the information highway that is the Akashic records.The information of everything that ever has been,is happening and ever will be. We are all one.

Mandy Turner

Reiki Practitioner

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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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