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Let the Energy flow.

Let the Energy flow.

We all have in us and through our lives a life force.. The Universal energy.If we pull our energy back,this creates a block.The more we give this block energy the more we start to become complaisant .... the more we switch off to the flow of life within us. The block within our system or life then becomes a much larger the energy flowing towards the block can go no further.The energy stagnates and starts to back up.This is what causes aches/pains/low energy thoughts. By working on our very own energy and releasing the build up of blocks,we start to open more.much like the layers of an onion! over the years we protect ourselves with a shield...and another shield...and another shield.We do this to protect ourselves from getting hurt anymore...but what we are actually doing is stopping the Universal energy from flowing...stopping our inner light from shining.Instead our inner light becomes so dim and we feel disconnected from source.No matter how much we ground ourselves,we find it hard to stay motivated. Once we start to peel away the layers again through releasing the blocks we have placed in our lives,what happens? Our inner light gets that bit brighter.....after another layer....a bit brighter...we start to feel lighter...our inner self can start to feel the fresh vibrant energy start to flow.This is where our motivation kicks in.....oohh this feels good...let's clear some more layers.! The more we clear the brighter we become.The more we start to vibrate within the frequency of Love again.

Peel away the layers and live again.



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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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