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Empathic. Empaths have to learn how to handle/cope/heal from the energies which surround them constantly.Emotions of others can be picked up very easily,which is why many avoid toxic situations and toxic people,as it can become hard to notice which are our own emotions and which are those of others.If you are generally in good spirits and all of a sudden feel drained,down,ill or feel like crying.....then Yes! you have picked up someone else's emotions. **This is a time for you to spend Cleansing your own energy!** By continuing to do nothing the feelings will continue.Pulling your energy down and making you feel these are your emotions...your feeling and your illness.When in actual fact you have felt them from someone else..... Learn how to re-charge your energy and let these feelings which are not yours be released!

Reiki helps me,but I understand not everyone follows the same path.....find a way which helps you.......once you find it,your soul will be uplifted. So what would help? Reiki,Meditation,Cold shower technique,walking,dancing,singing,chanting,.......

Remember everything is energy.So somewhere along the way someone has dumped their energy on on your cleansing! and protection. You were in good spirits before it happened and you DO have all the abilities inside you to heal them and be back in good spirits again.

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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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