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Energy Download

Energy Download The Universal energy can sometimes feel more prominent...more intense than other days.As we move through shifts in energy vibrations we feel this more and more.We sense the pressure as it floods in.This process is a clearing and uplifting process.Although in the early stages it can make us feel dizzy at times until our energy is lifted higher.Are you feeling pressure on your crown....a change in frequency in your ears...a feeling your brain is being unlocked and you have a gurgling sensation running through parts of your body....heart palpitations..These are all some of the symptoms of energy downloads.As we work through and release blocks within our bodies and lives our frequency and vibration shifts......This is felt very sensitively at times. We start to feel the vibration running through our whole body. We feel the vibration of life around us more. In days where the energy is more intense,relax and rest as much as you can.....let the energy do what it needs to do.drink plenty of water.sometimes you will feel so tired have to sleep. You are not alone in this......Enjoy and embrace the energies of the universe. The last three days have been quite intense if you are sensitive to the surrounding energies.We are being lifted,supported,guided and loved as our vibrations shift again.If it hurts to move your head in this time,as you may feel it on the crown,sides,back of your head and surrounding your third eye....then rest.keep your head still.Meditate if it helps.You may see orange at this time.....maybe see flashes of white or blue at random around you.only to look again and they have may see energy as little particles dancing around in the air. You may not feel like moving,if this is the case.put some music on....put a film on...put your feet up. Mandy xx

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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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