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Why do we release old energies?

Why do we release old energies? Carrying old energies and even old patterns of thought,feeling & actions can eventually weigh down our souls.We are here to live through life ,learn and let go! Learn what the experience has taught us,being thankful and develop ourselves from that very experience. Yet we tend to feel the experience and then continue to carry this around with us...often for years.The weight of this can be burdensome and create (over time) ill health,depression,fear,anxiety,injuries,insecurities...etc. As we carry this "old energy" around with us,we are stopping the flow in "new energy".Our minds and bodies become stagnant in places where we hold onto this energy. By releasing these energies once we acknowledge them we are keeping the flow of energy vibrant throughout our bodies,minds,souls,spirits and auras. After a therapy or meditation - we feel rejuvenated,restored and vibrant.We start to shine the inner light which was previously blocked. The more we learn to release old energies - the more room we create to fill our bodies,minds,souls,spiritsand auras with Love,Compassion and Gratitude. The more we accept Love,Compassion and Gratitude in our lives...not only do we radiate and help heal the world...the less impact the lower energies and any fear based energies have upon us.They do not have any room to grow within the light! and without your permission to grow they transmute to light & love. Shine Love,Gratitude and Compassion on the seat of your soul...shine from within!.....Let go!

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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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