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Mandy's World Meditation.

Mandy's World Meditation.

Here is something especially for your beautiful soul...if you have had a tiring or stressed day.

Maybe you haven't been feeling yourself lately.

If so relax and connect. You may want to read this a few times before connecting with the picture.

Enjoy! As you look at this picture,play your favourite healing / calming music.

Let the energy of the music wash over you as you relax deeper and deeper.

Close your eyes for a few seconds if you feel the need.

When you open your eyes,see the vibrant colours opening up.

Look at the butterflies as they come alive.

See and feel the texture of the flowers and grass.

Feel the warmth of the sun covering you.

For this alone. Just you with this picture.

You are now in the centre of the picture.

Feel the healing energy from mother nature surrounding you,as your energy lifts.

Watch as your aura glistens.Stay in this moment for as long as you wish to.

Gently bring yourself back out of the picture,back to where you are sitting.

Open your eyes,give thanks to the butterflies,the flowers,the grass,the sun and to Mother Nature herself.

Feel yourself coming back slowly and focus on the tree.

As the tree's roots ground you.Feel the roots of the tree against your feet.

Feel the ground with your toes...go on give them a wiggle......

.If you feel cold,wrap yourself in a comfy blanket until the heat returns.

Take a while before standing...only when you feel grounded.

Drink a glass of water,this will also make sure you are grounded.

Thankyou and have a wonderful day xx Feel free to come back and use this meditation any time you so wish....

and if you experienced a wonderful meditation,then please feel free to share xx

Thankyou very much for being part of Mandy's World Meditation.

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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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