Spiritual Flu / Kundalini

Spiritual Flu / Kundalini How many times have you been ill/had the flu only to see it as a bad thing.....you have picked up a bug....a virus.....Many people have the flu jab to try and stop this from happening. What if this is all part of the Ascension process? If we stop the Cleansing from happening - Are we then stopping our vibration from lifting into a higher vibration? Since the start of the year the world has lost so many souls....some famous...some closer to our hearts. It seems as though lots of people are experiencing this flu symptom (even if they are not Spiritual!) Here is why this Cleansing could be linked to the Kundalini and be a form of Spiritual Flu. It starts in the head.....goes to the throat....to the Chest(which is not nice/very uncomfortable for breathing).....to the Ab's area......then down to the lower Stomach area......All this time (If you are experiencing this right now) you may have been coughing up phlegm all through the process. I have had this for a week now.....one thing keeps springing to mind - Cleansing ! The very fact this Cleansing is moving down the body day by day...speaks volumes! Nothing you can try will stop the process once it starts....not even self reiki.This may help ease the uncomfortable energy shift....but the process has to finish...has to complete in order to raise your vibration. Not just your vibration...but the vibration of the planet! The last 2 days I have been flooded with energy....which also backed this up...this is a shift in vibration of energy which runs through our body systems. Those sensitive to the universal energies will feel the flooding from above....down through the crown chakra. If you are experiencing this at the moment - Hang in there! You are being upgraded