Up cycle Energy.

Up cycle Energy. As we work on our Spiritual development and energy cleansing remember energy is a constant flow. Abundance of energy surrounds us and flows through us at all times. If you are completing energy cleansing/clearing work - hand over any residual energy...any low energy....any dense energy over to the Universe and ask for this energy to be transformed into the highest vibration of Love,Compassion and Gratitude. Up cycle the energy and feel the shift in vibration as this takes place....This makes room for the new vibrant energy to again flow. As the energy which has been cleared/cleansed changes in vibration we are creating a constant swirl of up cycling energy. Too often we 'cling' to energy which stops the flow and thus becomes dense/toxic and creates an imbalance within our body,minds,soul,spirit and lives. Let it go - Up Cycle.