Energy workers working in a Spiritual practice,Care practice,Health sector or Charity sector.

Energy workers working in a Spiritual practice,Care practice,Health sector or Charity sector.
Working in these area's can have a huge impact on your own energy,especially if you are sensitive to energy.
It is very very important to cleanse your energy before your work and after your work.In some cases there may be a need to cleanse the energy during your work. Ensure you are able to take regular breaks...get outside in the fresh air.....Being in your own space even for 5 or 10 minutes at a time can make a huge difference to your energy.
Know your limits and learn to say no.I'm sure we have all heard this one before.It is a must for all energy workers.
Without placing boundaries our energy quickly become depleted and filled with toxic energy from others.If we then continue without cleansing we are taking on that energy as our own.We start to feel ill/sick/drained/tired.
Remember this is not your energy you are feeling.You were vibrating at a high frequency before entering this environment.The energy needs releasing for healing.
This is the message you need to be in your own space and quickly!
Cleansing energies from these area's can take between 2 hours and 5 hours after you are away from the environment. Please practice your energy exercises to ensure your energy has been cleared before going back to the same environment.
You can not help others if you have not cleared the energy away for healing.
No amount of certificates can help you if you are not prepared to put in the time and effort to cleanse the energies you have encountered.
I suppose some of you are still saying 5 hours! Yes......Energy work is a 24/7 spiritual practice when it comes to your own energy. Listen to your body.
Care for yourself first.
As with anything this will take time to master.Learn your limits...learn your boundaries.....and learn what works and does not work to cleanse your energy.
Please,please do not try to run before you can walk. practice patience and determination will get there.
Remember you are bringing Spiritual healing to the materialistic world and you are there for a reason.
Once you are dedicated to your energy clearing you will start to notice the becomes easier as you gain more confidence.
Happy healing. Mandy