Vibrational Shift
Vibrational Shift

We hear about the Vibrational shift which is going on surrounding the planet and the energies of the Universe.Many are developing their own vibrational fields,working on their Spiritual development....which is leading to uplifting and inspiring others through the experience of their own journey.
This has become apparent certainly in the last three years since I set up Mandys World page.
Back in 2013 I started posting uplifting and positive posts before deciding to post about any Spiritual development.I took the stand to do this as I was directed through my Angels and Spirit Guides.......
I would be inspired through my dreamworld, often posting about subjects/information I had only just learnt about that very night.
Back then there wasn't so much content being shared in a public way through social media sites.The ones that were seemed to be posting in private groups.With just a few uplifting and positivity pages posting publicly.
In this time I have noticed my posts are often revisited and start doing the rounds again.......I have always said the posts will always reach who they are meant to help/inspire/uplift.
I have taken more time for my own Spiritual development and Energy work lately......While I did this, I noticed the amount of positive and uplifting posts not just through Facebook ... also through other Social media sites.WOW! not even through registered pages either.......people are also now posting from their own individual profiles.It was great to see as I focused on my own inner work.
This just shows how the vibrational shift has changed over the last few years.It is wonderful to see.....I even sat and pondered is there a need for my posts - now the planet is developing so strongly.
That is when I was inspired to repost a selection of posts from the last 3 years onto Pinterest,Linkedin and Twitter........I guess the answer there is yes,there is a need!
I do have pages and pages of information not yet shared,with experiences yet to put into words.......Which I am sure I will get around to shortly.
So If you think you are not making a difference to the world....sit back and just watch.....listen and feel.......
I'm sure you will find you are making a bigger contribution to the vibrational shift than you first thought.
Keep going - Keep Positive :-)