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Only Love is Real.

Only Love is Real.

When we cleanse our bodies,mind,soul,spirits and aura's we are detoxing from any toxic energy we have picked up.....or removing any blocks in energy which we are holding onto.

As humans we are very good at holding onto hurt and anger and then carrying this around for years. When this happens the flow of new energy can not get through and thus creates a back up of dull/stagnant energy. This is what causes illness in the area's of our bodies and minds.

Through cleansing the blocks are cleared and removed.

If we spend time in a toxic energy environment- unless we cleanse regularly the same is happening.

One on one healing's are totally different to a toxic energy environment.....In this scenario,we are mixing with multiple energies all of which are in need of cleansing. If we do not limit our time in this area and cleanse like crazy.......we ourselves are left drained,worn out and very often burnt out.

If this is happening to you....pull back your energy and spend as long as is needed to cleanse.

Remember who you are.....Remember your beliefs.......Never lose yourself in the process.

Remember - Only Love is Real.

If you are feeling fear/anger/control being placed on you by others It's time to get yourself back.

Listen to your soul ..... Are you giving too much? Are demands being placed on you?

Look back to before this started - how did you feel back then?

And how do you feel now?

Only Love is Real.

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