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Energy downloads/Messages in dreams.

Energy downloads/Messages in dreams.

It is in our sleep state where we are most alert to our lives events.We often relive events over and over in our dream state trying to find a solution.

Relax/Reiki/Meditate before bedtime.This helps connect with our higher self.

As you go to sleep hand over any energies you have picked up that day (which are not your own) over to your angels and spirit guides.Now ask for the universal energy to flood through your body.

You may experience swirls of colours as you drift off to sleep.....have a gurgling through your body - which is the healing energy working.....or you may feel the energy flooding through your crown chakra.

During your sleep state you may receive energy downloads or messages in your dreams.These can often be very vivid! as they need to get your attention.......So if you think they are silly dreams....bizarre dreams and make no sense.....try googling the dream meaning.....does this relate to your life right now?

Your Angels and Spirit Guides love to help.

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