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Vibrate Love & Sparkle Your Wings

Vibrate Love & Sparkle Your Wings

Only Love is Real.......

Fear,anger,worry and stress are all illusions created in this world to keep us vibrating at a lower frequency.

What we focus on - we create......When we worry we create the worst case scenario.By giving this energy it manifests!

So every time any lower vibrations are creeping in......repeat 3 times ..... "Only Love Is Real"

Radiate Love

Focus of Love,Compassion & Gratitude and you will sparkle and shine so bright. You will feel the flooding of energy through your body and instantly light up.

Sparkle Your Wings

We all have wings,which is why if someone is cramping your style......dampening your may feel pressure on your back.This is because you have retracted your energy.

Complete steps 1 & 2 then Focus on spreading your wings.....cleanse them wide....Sparkle your wings

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