Keeping your energy cleansed

Keeping your energy cleansed There is an abundance of high vibrational energy which surrounds us all at every moment in our lives. Adapting daily energy exercises help to shift our vibration and release old energies and negative energies. Once in a higher state we feel alive and refreshed! So why do lower energies creep in and try to pull down our vibration? This is an alert from the Universe,your focus has lowered....This is the time to complete your energy exercises and shift your vibration to a higher state. If we let this downward spiral of energy drag us down...then yes...lower vibrations start to resonate with us again. Focus on your energy routines.....send light to this energy and rise above it.......shine your light out into the world. As this happens you will feel the shift in vibration. This is often a time of reflection ,sifting through that which no longer serves you. Release the lower vibrations and make way for more renewed vibrations in your life. If we become attached to the lower thought vibrations,we attract more of the same. If we let go and let the abundance of higher vibrational energy flow through us,we attract more positive energy. In this higher state , we also magic and situations. Keep up the great are making a difference 🤗